The field workforce task management & check-in application that enables your teams to deliver concise and consistent status and problem reports directly to the office in real time.

Success means keeping your staff safe, productive and accountable. allows your field staff to check-in, report status, and log problems in real-time, providing your operations staff with perfect insight into what's happening moment by moment. The mobile application can be used on any Android or Apple iOS phone, making managing and tracking your field staff a snap!

Trust but verify

Your staff is the lifeblood of your organization. You trust them to get their jobs done every day, but this does not mean that you don't need structured reporting to ensure procedures are being followed, tasks are being completed, problems are being logged, and people are where they say they are going to be.

Privacy first

Simple, secure software is that enables your team to coorindate and plan that puts the privacy of your data front and center.

Reliability and data security ensured

Let's be clear, the data you collect belongs to your organization and is vital. All data is hosted within Google Cloud Platform USA, with the data stores meeting all modern certifications such as ISO27001, ISO27017, and ISO27018. If you need your own deployment with the ability to manage your own database instance, we can create single tenant deployments to GCP, AWS, or Azure. Get in touch to find out pricing and availability.

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