Unlimited purposes, unlimited potential, one low price.

The CheckinGO platform is a fully managed software solution packed with features and fully supported for a low ongoing per-seat cost.

Photographic Capture

Capture proof of service and other photographic evidence easily and quickly. Prevent disputes with ease and ensure accountability.

GPS Location Capture

Capture proof of attendance information reliably by accurately capturing GPS location information.


Receive real-time updates as events unfold. In this fast-paced environment, it is crucial for your IT systems to stay up-to-date.

Sign on glass

Enhance the service delivery experience and ensure accountability by capturing irrefutable proof of service via electronic signatures.

Code reader

Read codes such as docket numbers, asset tags, or site markers for quick identification and reduced data entry.

Prompts & Reminders

Schedule daily check-in reminders for your teams and request status updates when necessary.

Innovative User Management

Field staff members no longer need to worry about complicated usernames and passwords. Simply securely attach their mobile devices to your organization and issue them a PIN numbers to get started.

Offline First

Don't rely on mobile networks with spotty coverage. All information recorded on the mobile platform is stored while offline and synchronized seamlessly when the network is restored.

Easy to use

Ease of use and flexibility are at the core of the system design. Reduce onboarding and training time, and become productive as soon as possible.

Mapping & Geofencing

Easy-to-use geofence and location management enables clear reporting and improves operational efficiency.

API & Integrations

Feed information into all your systems using the API or the offered integrations.


Raise tickets in FreshDesk from incoming check-in or problem reports.

Power BI

Visualise and analyse collected data with Power BI*

* Coming soon

Straight to your inbox

Receive comprehensive real-time notifications or end-of-day digests directly to your inbox. Maintain oversight wherever you are without having to keep the back-office application open.

Privacy first

Zero background location tracking: all information recorded is at the request of the staff member. In-flight and at-rest encryption is provided as standard.

Low TCO / Zero risk

Low total cost of ownership: no expensive hardware required, no-risk trial, and low ongoing subscription price.


Ensure that all vital information is captured with customizable, powerful, and flexible templates. Get up and running quickly with excellent example templates to help you get started.

Check-in status reports

  • Entry state, consumable supplied, and damage reports
    Entry state, consumable supplied, and damage reports
  • Docket information and photographic proof of delivery & electronic signature
    Docket information and photographic proof of delivery & electronic signature
  • Day's achievements and upcoming work.
    End of Day
    Day's achievements and upcoming work.
  • Category, amount, store, and photographic receipt for expense claim
    Expense Reimbursement
    Category, amount, store, and photographic receipt for expense claim
  • Quantity and cost of fuel with photographic receipt
    Fuel Up
    Quantity and cost of fuel with photographic receipt
  • Gate lock or unlock event with photographic proof
    Gate Access
    Gate lock or unlock event with photographic proof
  • Tasks performed, grass height, pest inspection, photo evidence
    Lawn Maintenance
    Tasks performed, grass height, pest inspection, photo evidence
  • Start and end levels of a liquid waste pump
    Liquid Waste Collection
    Start and end levels of a liquid waste pump
  • Meter value and serial number, e.g. electricity or water
    Meter Read
    Meter value and serial number, e.g. electricity or water
  • Asset number, initial state, operation check, and photo
    Park BBQ Service
    Asset number, initial state, operation check, and photo
  • Equipment state, damage reports, litter inspection, lawn maintenance, and general inspection notes.
    Park Inspection
    Equipment state, damage reports, litter inspection, lawn maintenance, and general inspection notes.
  • Equipment inspection, hazards, wear & tear with photo
    Playground Inspection
    Equipment inspection, hazards, wear & tear with photo
  • Quality analysis, levels, and chemical additives
    Pool Service
    Quality analysis, levels, and chemical additives
  • Tag number, physical inspection, and result
    Power Pole inspection
    Tag number, physical inspection, and result
  • Entry state, hazard log, task checking, and stock supply
    Public Facilities Cleaning
    Entry state, hazard log, task checking, and stock supply
  • Duration and compliance declaration
    Rest Break
    Duration and compliance declaration
  • Lock, window, perimeter, and environment inspections
    Security Patrol
    Lock, window, perimeter, and environment inspections
  • Start of day tasks, theft, vandalism, and HSE inspections and waste levels
    Site Open (Building)
    Start of day tasks, theft, vandalism, and HSE inspections and waste levels
  • Ablution, waste levels, and end-of-day checklist
    Site Close (Building)
    Ablution, waste levels, and end-of-day checklist
  • Fit for work declaration with morning note
    Start of day
    Fit for work declaration with morning note
  • Tank number and current level
    Tank Level Inspection
    Tank number and current level
  • Odometer, engine hour readings, damage report, driver assessment, and vehicle safety checklist
    Vehicle & Driver Pre-start
    Odometer, engine hour readings, damage report, driver assessment, and vehicle safety checklist
  • End of day odometer, added fuel and oil, damage and mechanical issue report with end of day routine
    Vehicle End of day
    End of day odometer, added fuel and oil, damage and mechanical issue report with end of day routine
  • Vehicle registration, odometer and, use category
    Vehicle Travel Log
    Vehicle registration, odometer and, use category

Problem reports

  • Category, customer, and cause of alarm activation
    Alarm Activation
    Category, customer, and cause of alarm activation
  • Breakdown type, and safety assessment
    Breakdown type, and safety assessment
  • Type size and cleanup details
    Chemical / Oil spill
    Type size and cleanup details
  • Animal type with photo
    Dangerous Animal Sighting
    Animal type with photo
  • Equipment information, failure description and rectification status.
    Equipment Failure
    Equipment information, failure description and rectification status.
  • Hazard rating and photo
    Footpath Hazard
    Hazard rating and photo
  • Location description, size, and photo
    Location description, size, and photo
  • Heath Safety and Environment incident type, and action taken
    HSE Hazard / Incident
    Heath Safety and Environment incident type, and action taken
  • Description of materials and removal action
    Hazardous Materials/Items
    Description of materials and removal action
  • Illness identification, expect return and doctors note
    Illness identification, expect return and doctors note
  • Headcount, cause and capture information
    Loose Livestock
    Headcount, cause and capture information
  • Pothole identification and safety evaluation
    Pothole identification and safety evaluation
  • Obstruction classification and evaluation with photo
    Powerline Obstruction
    Obstruction classification and evaluation with photo
  • Generic property damage report
    Property Damage
    Generic property damage report
  • Blockage reason with photo
    Road Blocked
    Blockage reason with photo
  • Item identification with police report information
    Item identification with police report information
  • Gate number and action taken
    Unsecured Gate
    Gate number and action taken
  • Vandalism report
    Vandalism report
  • Safety check, collision cause, driver information, vehicle registrations and photos
    Vehicle Collision
    Safety check, collision cause, driver information, vehicle registrations and photos
  • Damage identification and description with photos
    Vehicle Damage
    Damage identification and description with photos

Get up and running quickly for a free monthly trial and three free users. T the ongoing cost is a low US$5.00 per user, per month for each additional user.

Give it a go, there is zero commitment, zero contract and you can be up and running in under two minutes, and if it is not a good fit you can cancel immediately.

  • No credit card required
  • No contracts
  • First month free
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CheckinGO is a product of the Aptago software development company, specialists in field computing. Made for the world from Australia. Hosted on the Google Compute Platform in the USA. Prices quoted are in USD exluding local taxes.